How We Can Help

If you had to sell your business, wouldn’t you want the most you could get? Getting your business ready for a sale, is a process, and strategically planning for a sale, can greatly increase what you sell your business for. The right planning will help you position your venue in the best light, and get you the most money.

Are your books and financials in order?  Is your business seeing an uptrend (or downtrend) in sales, and is there any way to fix that before selling it? How much can you get your business, and is that competitive with the market?  How do you make your business look the best before selling it?  Are you better off raising money or bringing in new investors, rather than selling your business outright?


Things To Consider

Everyone knows to wash their car before putting a “for sale” sign on it – and your business also needs a good cleaning before you sell it.  Whether it is finally getting to setting up all the right categories and products in your POS system, to straightening out the categories on your profit and loss statement, to simply cleaning up the venue to look its best, we can help you get everything in order to plan for the disposition of your venue, and help you get the most for your business.


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